Disposal Alternatives is an organization focused on researching and educating America regarding waste streams that are consuming landfill space but not currently being recycled as we work to provide solutions to divert these waste streams from landfill. With our current focus, we're working hard to break through the widespread misinformation, for example, the many websites posting false information that disposable diapers, poly-fill (stuffed/soft-toys & pillows), textiles (clothes), and many other items, are not recyclable.
Proven technology does in fact exist to recycle them all...
Some of this false information is posted by company's promoting an *Out of
Sight, Out of Mind* agenda. They rather the consumer simply not think about the impact of these disposable items, hoping to lessen the guilt factor of using the items they sell, especially disposable items we use everyday. On the other hand, many companies providing alternatives to these item's say these disposable items are simply not recyclable.
Truth is, they are recyclable and we believe because of the convenience factor and sanitary concerns, most people will continue to choose disposable products. Because of this, we created Disposal Alternatives to offer solutions to the disposal of these items and peace of mind to the consumer.
The average American disposes of about 4.5-lbs of waste per day in contrast to a family with young children who, on average, dispose of more than triple that per-person!
Disposal Alternatives is currently running recycling pilot programs to research the viability of different types of recycling/reuse solutions for these items and on occasion, we'll post our research findings on our websites as well as contact information to companies and organizations providing alternatives to the waste of these items.
Currently Disposal Alternatives is implementing free diaper recycling in select areas and refining the program with the goal of making it as convenient as possible for the participants while being as efficient as possible from the operations end. We are also offering collection and recycling/reuse of polyfill stuffed toys at many of our diaper collection locations, contact us for more information.
Contact us for more information about how you can get involved in making a difference!
Proven technology does in fact exist to recycle them all...
Some of this false information is posted by company's promoting an *Out of
Sight, Out of Mind* agenda. They rather the consumer simply not think about the impact of these disposable items, hoping to lessen the guilt factor of using the items they sell, especially disposable items we use everyday. On the other hand, many companies providing alternatives to these item's say these disposable items are simply not recyclable.
Truth is, they are recyclable and we believe because of the convenience factor and sanitary concerns, most people will continue to choose disposable products. Because of this, we created Disposal Alternatives to offer solutions to the disposal of these items and peace of mind to the consumer.
The average American disposes of about 4.5-lbs of waste per day in contrast to a family with young children who, on average, dispose of more than triple that per-person!
Disposal Alternatives is currently running recycling pilot programs to research the viability of different types of recycling/reuse solutions for these items and on occasion, we'll post our research findings on our websites as well as contact information to companies and organizations providing alternatives to the waste of these items.
Currently Disposal Alternatives is implementing free diaper recycling in select areas and refining the program with the goal of making it as convenient as possible for the participants while being as efficient as possible from the operations end. We are also offering collection and recycling/reuse of polyfill stuffed toys at many of our diaper collection locations, contact us for more information.
Contact us for more information about how you can get involved in making a difference!